
Serial no.: Suzana Profeta-2023-072
  • Style: Figurative
  • Color: Other
  • Material: Paper
  • Thickness: Below 2 mm

"Forår" er et fortryllende ArtMoney-værk på sort papir, der kombinerer akrylmaling og alkoholinks i et botanisk geltryk. Det viser valmueblomster, blomsterblade og blade i en magisk dans. Billedet har ingen fast op eller ned-retning, så ejeren kan placere det, som de ønsker. Efterbehandlet med alkohol inks for yderligere dybde. Beskyttet med UV-filter og anbefales at indramme det med UV-glas. En hyldest til naturens skønhed og fornyelse.


"Spring" is an enchanting ArtMoney artwork on black paper, combining acrylic paint and alcohol inks in a botanical gel print. It showcases poppy flowers, flower petals, and leaves in a magical dance. The image has no fixed orientation, allowing the owner to display it as they desire. Enhanced with alcohol inks for added depth. Protected with a UV filter and recommended to frame it with UV glass. A tribute to the beauty and renewal of nature.

*** If you want the artmoney sent to countries other than Denmark, please contact me for shipping costs.***

Price: USD 50.00
Shipping fee: USD 10.00