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Michael Reith (f.1967), Danmark

| Kunstner | Lyriker | Hverdagsfilosof | Forfatter | Uperfekt lykkelig mand | Menneske |

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Michael er født tæt ved skov og vandet på Falster, hvorfor netop naturen altid har haft en særlig plads i hans kunst.

Han veksler mellem livet på det grønne Frederiksberg i storbyen samt vandkanten ved Møns broen, hvor hans atelier ligger – her fødes hans kunst med blik udover Bøgestrømmen i det daglige liv sammen med hans kone og deres hunde.

Hans kunst har mange retninger og udtryk, fra det abstrakte til det abstrakt/figurative hvor farver, ord og naturen inviterer dig ind i hans billeder. I mange af hans malerier og assemblage (boksART) finder du tydeligt hans tanker og undren over livet, mennesker, politikere såvel som døden, ofte tilsat humor – ligesom du finder de smukke naturudtryk der er i samspil med hans farvevalg, nærmest er insisterende på, at alle dine sanser og gode livsminder skal aktiveres. De asiatiske inspirerede serier har tydelige spor fra, at han har både rejst og opholdt sig med munkene i Rishikesh, det nordlige Indien, til hans mange år som bosat i andre dele af Asien.

Hans ofte analytiske tanker samt nysgerrighed på mennesket, du også finder i dele af hans kunst, har ofte fodspor fra hans baggrund som strategisk rådgiver samt hans mange år i og med arbejdet omkring bl.a. udsatte unge.

Hans kunst har tidligere primært været solgt direkte til private samlere og været bestillingsarbejder til fx virksomheder samt bl.a. HM Dronningens 60-års fødselsdag.

Michael præsenterer fra slut august 2023, også mindre serier af ARTmoney.

Skulle Michael med egne ord sammenfatte det gennemgående DNA for hans kunst er det; ”Kærligheden til livet!”.


Michael Reith (b. 1967), Denmark

| Artist | Poet | Everyday Philosopher | Author | Imperfectly Happy Man | Human |

Michael was born near forests and water on the small southern Danish island Falster, which is why nature has always held a special place in his art.

He alternates between life in the green Frederiksberg (Copenhagen) in the city and the waterfront near the Møn Bridge, where his studio is located. Here, his art is born, with a view over Bøgestrømmen in daily life alongside his wife and their dogs.

His art encompasses various directions and expressions, from the abstract to the abstract/figurative, where colors, words, and nature invite you into his paintings. In many of his paintings and assemblages (box art), you can clearly find his thoughts and contemplation on life, humans, politicians, as well as death, often infused with humor. Just as you find the beautiful expressions of nature that interact with his choice of colors, almost insisting that all your senses and good memories should be activated. The Asian-inspired series bear evident traces from his travels and stays with monks in Rishikesh, northern India, as well as his many years residing in other parts of Asia.

His often analytical perspective on both society and us humans, also present in parts of his art, often trace back to his background as a strategic advisor and his many years involved in work related to, among other things, vulnerable youth.

Previously, his art has primarily been sold directly to private collectors and commissioned works for companies, including for HM The Queen's 60th birthday.

Starting from late August 2023, Michael will also present smaller series of ARTmoney.

If Michael were to summarize the underlying DNA of his art in his own words, it would be; "The love for life!"